Monday, April 21, 2008

Things that make us want to punch something/one:

So, everyone has a list of things that make them tick. You know what really grinds our gears?

1. SCHOOL and every single thing that may fall under this umbrella (textbooks, no. 2 pencils, scantrons, studying, finals, dumb 18 year-olds, etc)
2. when people chew with their mouth open, it makes the nastest noise
3. when were cold and didn't bring a sweater
4. when tall guys suck
5. when people driving in front of you are looking for an address and it's so obvious they've never been in the area before
6. when people leave their blinker on for like ten minutes and dont make moves
7. people telling me what to do
9. people whos name rhymes with fat lipper (HAHA)
11. lines at clubs that have 3 people inside them.
12. the parking situation in Westwood
13. tourists in our hood
14. banana runts
15. people who are LATE! i.e. the delivery dudes from Pink Dot who are preventing me from leaving work on time. I've killed for less!
16. Bouncers who think they have the divine right to let people into places. it's really not that serious dude
17. grocery stores on sundays, damn those lines are loooooong
18. elizabeth smart....think elizabeth, THINK!
20. DJs that play that fat man scoop record from like TEN years ago.
21. Bad hosts

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